When browsing our collectibles on wetanz.com our website does its best to find your region based on your IP Address. There are several reasons why we might not be able to find your IP address based on privacy settings, if our website doesn't recognize your IP address, or if you're using a VPN. When our website does not recognize your IP address, you are automatically assigned to the US &R store and your currency is set to USD.
You can see what store/ currency you're browsing in the top left corner of our website.
To change your region, please select the country drop down menu and choose the region that you are shipping to.
To change your currency, please select the currency drop down menu and choose the currency you would like to checkout with.
Please ensure you are checking out from the correct store before placing an order on wetanz.com. Checking out from the incorrect store may lead to higher shipping costs on your order.
Please If you're using your mobile phone, please select the three lines at the top left corner of the page.
Then please select STORE or CURRENCY and change to your preferred region or currency.
If you still need support, please contact us here.